Aunty Ramota Debunks BBL Surgery Rumors, Shows Off Her Body in New Video
Aunty Ramota Debunks BBL Surgery Rumors, Shows Off Her Body in New Video

Popular Nollywood actress Aunty Ramota has addressed rumors about an alleged botched Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery in a fresh video.

Aunty Ramota Debunks BBL Surgery Rumors, Shows Off Her Body in New Video

The video, which is gaining traction on social media, shows her eating bread and tea while displaying her full body to prove that nothing is wrong with her.

In the video, Aunty Ramota is seen dipping bread into a bowl of tea and eating it, clearly debunking the claims of an unsuccessful surgery. This comes after a report by Gistreel suggested that the actress had been wheeled into a recovery room following the alleged procedure.

Aunty Ramota's latest video serves as a direct response to these rumors, as she confidently shows off her intact body and assures her fans that she is perfectly fine.

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