Morocco’s Nouhaila Benzina set new FIFA record to be the first female player to wear a hijab in their 1-0 win over South Korea 
Morocco’s Nouhaila Benzina set new FIFA record to be the first female player to wear a hijab in their 1-0 win over South Korea 

Morocco's Nouhaila Benzina has set a record to become the first player to wear a hijab at a FIFA Women World Cup  in their 1-0 win over South Korea.

Benzina who has make the body(FIFA) to be force to review the outfit if it’s proper to avoid further unexpected outfits from other religion.

A lot of tweeps has reacted negatively to this, calling on FIFA  to look into this immediately before it becomes uncontrollable.

According to some of the tweets:

Abazz “I don’t know why FIFA keeps allówing relîgion and polîtics to inflûence football. Islám keeps having it’s way, they’re gradually penètrating every sector… this is wróng, there is a way footballers are supposed to dress, so why is rèligion influencing it now?”

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