Mother Desperately Search for her Stolen Baby During Graduation Ceremony:
Mother Desperately Search for her Stolen Baby During Graduation Ceremony:

A mother in Ilọrin, Kwara State is frantically searching for her two-month-old baby who was stolen during a school graduation ceremony.

Mother's Desperate Search for Baby Stolen During Graduation Ceremony:

As she collected the certificate for her elder son, the suspect took the opportunity to flee with the baby.

The mother is now calling on the police and the public to help find her child.

The incident has sparked concern and outrage in the community, with people calling for justice and an end to child theft.

"She is tall and fair-skinned, wearing a purple dress and black headscarf."

Those are the only details Sekinah could remember about the woman who stole her two-month-old baby during a school graduation ceremony.

Since the incident, Sekinah has made countless calls to the police and visited the 'A' Division police station in Surulere, Ilọrin, all to no avail.

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