Trump’s Former Physician Reveals Details of Gunshot Wound, Says Ear is Healing
Trump's Former Physician Reveals Details of Gunshot Wound, Says Ear is Healing

Donald Trump's former physician, Ronny Jackson, has provided a detailed account of the gunshot wound the former president sustained during an attempted assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally last week.

According to Jackson, Trump's wound measured 2 centimeters (almost 1 inch) and narrowly missed entering his head, striking the top of his right ear instead.

Jackson, who treated Trump's ear wound, reported that the swelling has subsided, and the wound is beginning to heal properly, with some bleeding still requiring a bandage.

Trump also underwent a CT scan and will have further evaluations, including a comprehensive hearing exam, as needed.

Jackson's account provides the first detailed information about Trump's injury, which was sustained when a young gunman opened fire at the rally, killing one bystander and wounding two others.

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