Nollywood Actress Nengi Adoki Accuses Lagos Bar of Assault Over Picture-Taking Incident
Nollywood Actress Nengi Adoki Accuses Lagos Bar of Assault Over Picture-Taking Incident

Nollywood actress Nengi Adoki recently took to social media to call out a Lagos bar for allegedly assaulting her over an issue related to taking pictures on their premises.

Nollywood Actress Nengi Adoki Accuses Lagos Bar of Assault Over Picture-Taking Incident

According to Adoki, the incident occurred when she and her friends were enjoying an evening out at the establishment and decided to take some pictures, as many patrons often do. 

Adoki alleged that the staff at the bar confronted her aggressively, insisting that she had violated their policy against taking photos inside the venue. 

Despite her attempts to explain the situation and the casual nature of the photos, the confrontation escalated. 

Adoki claimed that the staff not only verbally harassed her but also physically assaulted her when she tried to defend herself. 

She expressed shock and disappointment at the behavior of the staff, especially considering that the bar had no visible signs or prior warning that photography was prohibited.

In a series of posts shared via her social media platforms, Adoki recounted the entire ordeal, calling out the bar for their lack of professionalism and abusive treatment. 

She highlighted how important it is for businesses to clearly communicate their rules to customers and emphasized that no one deserves to be treated violently over such a minor issue. 

Fans and followers of the actress have rallied around her, expressing their outrage at the alleged assault and calling for justice. 

Many questioned why such extreme actions were taken by the bar's staff over something as simple as taking pictures. 

Some users even called for a boycott of the establishment until they take responsibility and make amends.

In response to the public backlash, the Lagos bar in question has yet to issue an official statement addressing the incident. 

However, the situation has reignited discussions about customer service standards and the treatment of patrons in Nigerian bars and restaurants.

Nengi Adoki's accusations against the Lagos bar have sparked a broader conversation about the need for clear communication of policies and the importance of respectful treatment of customers in public spaces. 

As the story continues to unfold, many are waiting to see how the bar will respond and whether any action will be taken to resolve the issue.

Check her post below:

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