Ciana Chapman and Oga Sabinus Refute Domestic Abuse Rumors
Ciana Chapman and Oga Sabinus Refute Domestic Abuse Rumors

Ciana Chapman, wife of Nigeria's famous skitmaker Oga Sabinus, has responded to rumors about her husband being abusive.

Ciana Chapman and Oga Sabinus Refute Domestic Abuse Rumors

The controversy began when gossip blog @cutie_julls on Instagram accused the comedian of mistreating his wife, expressing disappointment over the alleged issue.

The report elicited strong reactions, with many expressing shock and condemnation, until Sabinus intervened to refute the claims.

Additionally, his wife addressed the matter on her Instagram story, warning the blogger to stay away from her family.

She confirmed her husband's statement, asserting that there is no domestic violence in their relationship, as they live in different countries.

“Cutie Jules, just take my name and that of my family off your mouth and page. How can my husband be in Nigeria and be hitting me here in the UK?” she wrote

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