Enisa Loses 25,000 Nigerian Followers After Unfollowing Davido and Influencers
Enisa Loses 25,000 Nigerian Followers After Unfollowing Davido and Influencers

Albanian singer Enisa has faced a backlash from Nigerian fans after unfollowing Davido and several Nigerian influencers on social media.

Enisa Loses 25,000 Nigerian Followers After Unfollowing Davido and Influencers

The move came as a surprise, considering Davido had previously featured on her song and helped her gain popularity in Nigeria.

"I was shocked when I saw that Enisa unfollowed me and other Nigerian influencers," said a disappointed fan. "We supported her music and helped her gain a following in Nigeria, and this is how she repays us?"

Enisa's decision to unfollow Nigerian influencers and Davido has resulted in a massive loss of followers, with over 25,000 Nigerians unfollowing her in protest.

"I don't understand why Enisa would make such a move," said another fan. "Davido featured on her song and helped her gain international recognition. Unfollowing him and other Nigerian influencers is a slap in the face."

Enisa's actions have sparked a heated debate on social media, with many Nigerians expressing their disappointment and hurt.

“We thought Enisa was grateful for our support, but I guess we were wrong," said a fan. "She's lost a lot of fans in Nigeria, and it's hard to see her recovering from this."

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