Exposed: Tinubu’s academic records to be released to Atiku, US court rules
Exposed: Tinubu's academic records to be released to Atiku, US court rules

United States court has ordered the University of Chicago to release former Lagos State governor, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu's academic record to the People's Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar.

The order comes after a long-running legal battle between the two parties over Tinubu's alleged non-disclosure of his academic qualifications during his bid for the presidency. This is a major victory for Atiku, who has accused Tinubu of hiding something about his educational background.

In a statement, Atiku's campaign said that the court's decision "vindicates our long-held position that Asiwaju Tinubu lied about his educational qualifications and deliberately misled the Nigerian people."

The statement added that the court's ruling was a victory for transparency and accountability, and a step towards restoring trust in the electoral process.

Atiku has repeatedly called on Tinubu to release his academic records, and has accused him of hiding something about his past.However, Tinubu's campaign has rejected the court's ruling, describing it as "a clear case of judicial overreach."

In a statement, the campaign said that the order was an "intrusion into the privacy of a citizen and a gross violation of the candidate's constitutional right to a private life."

It also argued that the court had no jurisdiction to order the release of Tinubu's records, as they are not public documents.

However, the court rejected this argument, saying that the records were relevant to the election process.It remains to be seen how the court's ruling will affect Tinubu's campaign for the presidency.

However, the controversy over his educational background is likely to continue to be a major issue in the election. It is also a reminder of the importance of transparency and disclosure in the electoral process.

Candidates for public office should be open and honest about their qualifications and background, to ensure that voters have all the information they need to make an informed decision.

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