Georgina Onuoha Fights for LGBTQ Rights in Nigeria:
Georgina Onuoha Fights for LGBTQ Rights in Nigeria:

Hollywood starlet Georgina Onuoha took a bold stance against discrimination and homophobia as she publicly demanded the release of over 100 crossdressers and members of the LGBTQ community who were reportedly arrested while celebrating a wedding in Delta State, Nigeria.

Georgina Onuoha Fights for LGBTQ Rights in Nigeria:

Despite the alleged crimes being unclear, Onuoha asserted that these individuals had harmed no one and committed no theft, and called for their immediate release.

She said:

Leave these people alone. They did not kill, steal or harm anyone.

They are not the cause of Nigeria’s demise and predicaments. Let them live their lives.

You that are busy committing fraud, sleeping around with married men and women, lying etc You are no better than these folks living their lives. Until many of you work in the medical field and understand the mechanisms behind sexual orientation, you will continue to live by the preachings of hate many con artist who call themselves pastors have poured into you as preachings.”

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