“He shouldn’t be doing this” — Ola of Lagos in the mud as Caucasian man reacts  for inflating Jet price
“He shouldn’t be doing this” — Ola of Lagos in the mud as Caucasian man reacts  for inflating Jet price

Following an advert made by popular brand influencer Ola of Lagos, one Caucasian man who sells jet has called him out for inflating the price of a Jet he advertised for a brand.

“He shouldn’t be doing this” — Ola of Lagos in the mud as Caucasian man reacts  for inflating Jet price

He shared the video of him analyzing the inflated price of the Jet on his business page on Tiktok,@thejetbusiness.

Ola of Lagos had advertised a Hawker 900 XP jet which he claimed was the only type in the entire Nigeria and valued at 16 Million Dollars.

The Caucasian man quickly debunked his claims and stated that the jet is one of the oldest planes and is inexpensive, valued at only 5 Million Dollars.

He ended the video saying Ola of Lagos shouldn’t be doing airplane reviews anymore.

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