A gruesome incident has shaken the city of Ibadan, where a 14-year-old boy, Malik Kareem, was allegedly beheaded for ritual purposes by three of his peers, aided by a Muslim cleric.
The heinous crime has sparked outrage among the community, with angry youths taking the law into their own hands by setting the cleric's house ablaze. The culprits involved are currently on the run, evading justice.
"This is a horrific act that has left us all in shock. How could someone so young be brutally murdered for rituals?" said a community leader, who wished to remain anonymous.
The incident has raised concerns about the involvement of minors in ritual killings and the role of religious leaders in perpetuating such acts.
"We need to address the root causes of this problem and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice," said another resident.
The police have launched an investigation into the incident and are working to apprehend the culprits.