“If you want to propose to your wife, do it behind closed doors so you can get the real answer”- Maureen Esisi
"If you want to propose to your wife, do it behind closed doors so you can get the real answer"- Maureen Esisi

In a recent interview, Maureen Esisi shared candid advice for those planning to propose to their significant others: "If you want to propose to your wife, do it behind closed doors so you can get the real answer."

"If you want to propose to your wife, do it behind closed doors so you can get the real answer"- Maureen Esisi

Esisi emphasized the value of privacy in such a significant moment, suggesting that a private setting can lead to a more genuine and thoughtful response.

During the interview, Esisi opened up about her own experience with a public proposal. She revealed that at the time, she wasn't ready for marriage. The unexpected proposal in a public setting left her feeling pressured and unprepared. This experience, she noted, ultimately influenced her decision and the course of her relationship with her now ex-husband.

Esisi's story underscores the importance of considering the emotions and readiness of both partners when planning a proposal. While public proposals can be grand and memorable, they can also add pressure and make it difficult for the person being proposed to give a sincere and unreserved answer.

By proposing in a private setting, couples can create an intimate and comfortable environment where both parties can openly express their feelings and thoughts about taking the next step in their relationship. This approach not only respects the emotions of the person being proposed to but also sets the stage for honest and meaningful communication.

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