Love in the Fast Lane: Man Proposes to Girlfriend After Just 46 Days of Talking
Love in the Fast Lane: Man Proposes to Girlfriend After Just 46 Days of Talking

In a heartwarming tale of whirlwind romance, Ngoni Mujuru took to Twitter to share his incredible story of proposing to his girlfriend after just 46 days of talking.

Love in the Fast Lane: Man Proposes to Girlfriend After Just 46 Days of Talking

The smitten man gushed about his happiness, saying, "I'm literally the happiest man on this planet!"

Mujuru's journey to finding love began on July 1st, and just 46 days later, he surprised his girlfriend with a proposal at the picturesque Pamushana Lodge. To his delight, she said yes!

"It's been a whirlwind romance in the best of ways," Mujuru exclaimed. "She's been meeting my friends and family, and they all love her!"

The enthusiastic groom-to-be even joked about introducing his fiancée to former US First Lady Michelle Obama, saying, "From the time I met her, I've been jokingly telling her that one day, I'd have to introduce her to Michelle…. @MichelleObama. She never believed it, but after the proposal, I think about 1% of her believes it could actually happen."

Mujuru's tweet ended with a lighthearted request, asking his network if anyone had Michelle's number or could help him get in touch with her communication team.

He quipped, "It would just add icing to an already perfect cake that's been these past two months of my life."

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