Miracle Escape: Nigerian Lady and Friend Cheat Death as Commercial Bus Catches Fire Weeks Before Graduation
Miracle Escape: Nigerian Lady and Friend Cheat Death as Commercial Bus Catches Fire Weeks Before Graduation

In a harrowing incident, a Nigerian lady and her friend narrowly escaped death when a commercial bus they were traveling in caught fire just weeks before their graduation.

The dramatic event occurred on a busy highway, leaving the passengers shaken but grateful to have escaped unscathed.

"We were on our way to school when suddenly the bus caught fire," said the lady, still visibly shaken. "It was like a scene from a horror movie. We were all screaming and trying to get out as fast as we could."

The lady, who wishes to remain anonymous, recounted how she and her friend were trapped inside the burning bus, with flames engulfing the vehicle. "We thought it was all over for us. But somehow, we managed to break open the window and escape."

The bus, which was carrying dozens of passengers, was completely destroyed in the blaze. However, thanks to the quick thinking and bravery of the passengers, no lives were lost.

"We are just grateful to be alive," said the lady's friend, who was also in the bus. "It's a miracle we escaped. We can't believe it happened just weeks before our graduation."

The incident has left the two friends shaken but grateful for a second chance at life. They are now focusing on their upcoming graduation and looking forward to starting their new lives.

"We can't let this incident define us," said the lady. "We are determined to move on and make the most of our lives."

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