Niger State Traditional Rulers Lead Prayer Session for Rainfall Amidst Drought Crisis
Niger State Traditional Rulers Lead Prayer Session for Rainfall Amidst Drought Crisis

In a bid to alleviate the suffering of farmers in Niger State, the Etsu Nupe and Chairman of the Niger State Council of Traditional Rulers, led a prayer session on Thursday, seeking divine intervention for rainfall.

Niger State Traditional Rulers Lead Prayer Session for Rainfall Amidst Drought Crisis

"We are gathered here today to pray to God for rainfall, as our farmers are struggling due to the drought," the Etsu Nupe said. "We believe that with faith and perseverance, God will answer our prayers and bring forth the much-needed rain."

The prayer session, attended by Muslim faithful, aimed to seek God's intervention in ending the drought that has affected agricultural activities in the state.

"We are not just praying for rain, but also praying for God's guidance and protection," the Etsu Nupe added. "We need His blessings to overcome this challenging period."

The drought has had a significant impact on farmers in Niger State, leading to crop failure and economic losses.

"We are doing everything humanly possible to support our farmers, but we need God's intervention to overcome this natural disaster," said a government official.

The prayer session is use to demonstrates the importance of traditional and religious leaders in times of crisis, as they bring people together to seek solutions.

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