Nkem Owoh Opens Up on Daughter’s Passing:
Nkem Owoh Opens Up on Daughter's Passing:

In a public statement since the loss of the veteran nollywood actor beloved daughter, Nkem Owoh has finally broken his silence.

Nkem Owoh Opens Up on Daughter's Passing:

The renowned actor's 24-year-old daughter, Kosisochukwu, passed away in June after a brief illness.

Despite the public speculation and concern surrounding the tragedy, Owoh chose to remain silent on the matter until now.

After the solemn burial of his cherished daughter, Nkem Owoh has opened up about her passing.

In a heartfelt statement posted on his Instagram page, Owoh thanked those who have sent him condolences and offered their support during this trying time. He stated that the outpouring of love has been a comfort and solace during this difficult period.

Owoh also acknowledged the suddenness of the loss, stating that he was caught off-guard by this unexpected change.

He said …

“I want to thank you all for the support and love shown to me and my family. When tragedy strikes, there is nothing more heartening than knowing that you’re not alone.

“It was with deep gratitude that I received your note, and calls with condolences. We have seen many changes over the years. But this is a change I did not anticipate and I am feeling an acute sense of loss.

“However, I know that because of your encouragement, I will get through this time. Thank you for helping to push me through my grief”.

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