NYSC Under Fire: Corp Member Uwa Calls Out Organization for Abrupt Camp Closure
NYSC Under Fire: Corp Member Uwa Calls Out Organization for Abrupt Camp Closure

A National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member, Uwa, has expressed her frustration and disappointment with the organization after her orientation camp in Niger State was suddenly closed, leaving her stranded and financially drained.

Uwa, who reported to the camp on Saturday, was shocked when organizers asked her and fellow corp members to leave the camp immediately on Sunday morning, without considering their transportation arrangements.

"We were told to leave the camp immediately, without any regard for how we would get to our various destinations," Uwa said. "I had spent all my money on transportation to get to the camp, and now I'm left with nothing."

Uwa's experience has sparked outrage online, with many calling out the NYSC for its handling of the situation.

"How could they be so heartless and inconsiderate?" one commenter asked. "What kind of organization treats its members like this?"

Uwa's story has highlighted the need for better planning and communication from the NYSC to ensure the safety and well-being of its members.

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