One of the escorts on an Abuja-bound train passed away
One of the escorts on an Abuja-bound train passed away

During a journey to Abuja, a tragic incident occurred as one of the escorts on an Abuja-bound train passed away on the
morning of April 4, 2024.

One of the escorts on an Abuja-bound train passed away

A witness recounted that the officer seemed well when the train departed from Kaduna, but later complained of chest pain. Despite seeking help, including asking for glucose and water, the officer passed away before medical assistance could arrive.

The lack of emergency medical care on the train further complicated the situation.

Upon arrival in Kubwa, Abuja, the officer's remains were discreetly moved to the side of the train and covered.

Passengers were prevented from recording the incident by security personnel. Subsequently, police vans arrived at the station to transport the officer's body to a mortuary.

Videos on social media captured passengers discussing the tragic event.

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