Ooni of Ife Takes Bold Step to Curb Soaring Food Prices, Bans Market Associations
Ooni of Ife Takes Bold Step to Curb Soaring Food Prices, Bans Market Associations

In a move aimed at addressing the escalating costs of food and essential commodities, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Ogunwusi, has taken a decisive stance by banning market associations and unions from fixing prices.

Ooni of Ife Takes Bold Step to Curb Soaring Food Prices, Bans Market Associations

This bold decision is part of the palace's efforts to make essential items more affordable for the common people in his domain.

According to reports, the traditional ruler has warned that any trader or market association found guilty of selling food items beyond the reach of the masses will face outright banishment from Ile-Ife.

The Ooni's chiefs addressed all market associations and unions in the ancient town, announcing the cancellation of all market associations and unions, effective immediately.

Traders are now free to sell at their own prices, without fear of coercion or intimidation from market associations.

The palace's move is aimed at promoting fair trade practices and ensuring that essential commodities are affordable for all.

In a remarkable show of leadership, the Ooni of Ife has taken a strong stance against price gouging and market manipulation.

By banning market associations and unions, he has sent a clear message that the welfare of his people is paramount.

As food prices continue to soar across the nation, the Ooni's bold move is a beacon of hope for many.

His leadership and commitment to the well-being of his people are an inspiration to others, and his efforts to address the pressing issue of food affordability are a testament to his dedication to the welfare of his domain.

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