Prank Gone Wrong: Teaser Prank’s Terrifying Encounter in Ikorodu Almost Costs Him an Eye
Prank Gone Wrong: Teaser Prank's Terrifying Encounter in Ikorodu Almost Costs Him an Eye

Notable content creator, Teaser Prank, shared a harrowing experience on Instagram after a social experiment in Ikorodu, Lagos state, went horribly wrong, leaving him with severe injuries and a nearly lost eye.

Prank Gone Wrong: Teaser Prank's Terrifying Encounter in Ikorodu Almost Costs Him an Eye

"I experienced something very terrible in Ikorodu, and I cannot really express everything," Teaser Prank said, visibly shaken.

"I did a video in Ikorodu, and it was actually a social experiment; I was trying to see people who can help me. It was quite unfortunate that I got into the wrong hands."

In the video, Teaser Prank dressed as a mentally ill person approached a food vendor, who raised an alarm, leading to a violent response from two men.

They mercilessly flogged him with canes, causing injuries and nearly costing him an eye.

"I got into the wrong hands. Two men flogged me mercilessly and gave me injuries; they flogged me so bad and injured my eyes," Teaser Prank stated, frustration evident in his voice.

"This was my first time facing such an unexpected response from a crowd whom I hoped to make content about."

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks content creators take when pushing boundaries for the sake of entertainment.

Teaser Prank's experience highlights the importance of prioritizing safety and considering the potential consequences of social experiments.

As Teaser Prank recovers from his ordeal, his story sparks a necessary conversation about the limits of pranking and the need for empathy and understanding in our society.

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