Protest Turns Tragic: 12-Year-Old Boy Killed in Zaria as Military Fires on Demonstrators
Protest Turns Tragic: 12-Year-Old Boy Killed in Zaria as Military Fires on Demonstrators

A peaceful protest against economic hardship in Nigeria turned deadly in Zaria, Kaduna state, when military personnel mistakenly shot and killed a 12-year-old boy.

The incident has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation.

"We were protesting the harsh economic conditions in the country, and the military was supposed to protect us, not harm us," said a protester, who witnessed the incident. "The boy was just a bystander, and his death is a senseless tragedy."

The protest, which was part of a nationwide movement, aimed to draw attention to the struggles of ordinary Nigerians amidst rising costs of living and unemployment.

"The government needs to listen to our cries and take action to alleviate our suffering," said another protester. "Instead, they send military personnel to silence us with bullets."

The Kaduna state government has promised to investigate the incident and ensure that those responsible face justice.

"We condole with the family of the deceased and assure them that we will leave no stone unturned in uncovering the circumstances surrounding his death," said a government spokesperson.

As tensions rise and protests continue, many are calling for restraint and dialogue.

"We urge the government to engage with protesters and address their grievances peacefully," said a civil society leader. "The cycle of violence and bloodshed must end."

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for responsible governance and respect for human rights in Nigeria.

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