Restaurant Drama: Nigerian Woman Publicly Criticizes Hilda Baci After Dining Dispute
Restaurant Drama: Nigerian Woman Publicly Criticizes Hilda Baci After Dining Dispute

A Nigerian woman went online to criticize Hilda Baci after being humiliated by the staff at her restaurant for being unable to pay for her meal.

Restaurant Drama: Nigerian Woman Publicly Criticizes Hilda Baci After Dining Dispute

The woman, who shared the incident on her TikTok page, @cyndy_pek, claimed she did not deserve the embarrassment she faced.

According to her post, she had planned a dinner date with her boyfriend at Hilda Baci's restaurant and brought a friend along. While waiting for the boyfriend, who was running late, they decided to order food and start eating.

She was informed that a plate of rice cost N10,000, but since they were relying on the boyfriend to pay and he did not show up, they couldn't cover the bill.

The restaurant staff demanded payment and began harassing her over the unpaid bill. She felt deeply insulted and questioned if this was standard practice at the popular chef's restaurant.

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