Ugandan government’s decision to name a road after two foreign tourists sparks outrage
Ugandan government's decision to name a road after two foreign tourists sparks outrage

The Ugandan government's decision to name a road after two foreign tourists killed on a honeymoon in the country has sparked outrage.

Ugandan government's decision to name a road after two foreign tourists sparks outrage

While some were sympathetic to the idea of honoring the victims, many Ugandans were angered by the fact that their Ugandan tour guide, Eric Alyai, was not similarly honored.

Alyai was also killed in the attack, and many feel that he should be equally commemorated, as he was a fellow citizen and not a foreign tourist.

The government's perceived favoritism towards foreigners in this instance has only served to highlight the inequality in how victims of violence are treated, depending on their nationality.Uganda's Minister for ICT and National Guidance, Chris Baryomunsi, recently announced that the government had decided to name a road in Uganda after two foreign tourists who were killed while visiting the country.

However, many Ugandans have expressed anger and disappointment that the government did not also plan to name a road after the Ugandan tour guide who was killed alongside the tourists.

The family of the tour guide has spoken out about their grief and the financial struggles they are now facing as a result of his death.

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