University of Benin lecturer Prof. Tony Asekauno, called out for sexually harassment
University of Benin lecturer Prof. Tony Asekauno, called out for sexually harassment

In a shocking turn of events, professor Tony Asekauno of the University of Benin has been accused of series of act of sexual misconduct.

University of Benin lecturer Prof. Tony Asekauno, called out for sexually harassment

Multiple females students have come forward with allegation that paints a damning picture of the professor's behavior, claiming he has sexually harassed them and solicited sexual favors in exchange for better grades.

The allegations against professor are not isolated incidents but part of disturbing patterns of behavior. According to the students the professor used his position of authority to manipulate and exploit them, making inappropriate advances and creating a hostile and intimidating academic environment.

These students, who have bravely decided to speak out, described demand as a person who abuses his power to satisfy his predatory desires, showing a balance disregard for their well-being and academic integrity.

One student we counted a chilling encounter in which the professor allegedly dispositioned her during office hours inclining that her academics success depends on our compliances. He had made it clear that if I wanted to pass, I had to play along she said visibly shaking it was humiliating and terrifying. A

nother student described how he's advances escalated over time, stating with inappropriate comments and progressing to physical harassment. He would find excuses to touch me comma to get close to he reviewed I felt trapped who could I turn to when the person who supposed to guide.

This harrowing testimonies have sparked out rage within the university community and beyond. Calling for an immediate and Toro investigation have loud grown louder with students, and advocative groups demanding Justice.

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