A South African woman admits to shooting and killing her boyfriend
A South African woman admits to shooting and killing her boyfriend

A shocking case of domestic violence has recently come to light in South Africa, in which a woman has admitted to shooting and killing her boyfriend while he was asleep.

A South African woman admits to shooting and killing her boyfriend

Zanele Mkhonto, 28, has been charged with premeditated murder after allegedly shooting and killing Happy Thwala, a 45-year-old police officer. According to reports, the couple had gotten into an argument after Zanele's ex-boyfriend had called her.

Zanele has claimed that the shooting was a result of being subjected to "rough s3x" by her boyfriend, though the details of the case remain under investigation. Zanele has admitted to shooting and killing her boyfriend, Happy, in his sleep.

Zanele claims that the shooting was a result of her being subjected to "rough s3x" by her boyfriend and that she shot him out of anger and frustration.

It has been revealed that after the incident, the Hawks Serious Organised Crime Investigation in Nelspruit took up the case and found evidence linking Zanele to the murder.

She was arrested and denied bail in the Magistrates Court and has remained in custody since. The case has been postponed to 27 November for a pre-sentence report in the High Court.

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