Actress Wofai Fada voices out as she Stands Firm in Love Despite Family Disapproval
Actress Wofai Fada voices out as she Stands Firm in Love Despite Family Disapproval

Nollywood actress Wofai Fada reaffirms her love for Taiwo Cole despite public scrutiny and disapproval from her father-in-law.

Actress Wofai Fada voices out as she Stands Firm in Love Despite Family Disapproval

Amidst ongoing controversies surrounding her marriage to the Cole Family, the actress hinted at her emotional state, disregarding concerns from those close to her.

Taking to her Instagram story on Sunday, Fada expressed her love, citing Bible verses that underscored the strength of genuine love over the opinions of others.

She wrote, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love” (1 Johna 4:18).”

“Yesterday, we saw that as we abide in love, we can be sure we abide in God (1 John 4:16).”

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