Anambra Protest: “They are prostitutes, just hired to protest”- UBWFAN claims 
Anambra Protest: “They are prostitutes, just hired to protest”- UBWFAN claims 

Following a staged nude protests last week in several areas of Awka which is the capital of Anambra, the Ultimate Business Women and Farmers Association of Nigeria (UBWFAN), has claimed that those that were involved in the protest are sex workers hired from outside the region.

Anambra Protest: “They are prostitutes, just hired to protest”- UBWFAN claims 

According to information gathered by Shegzeblog, a group of ladies staged a naked protest few days ago to call for the removal of the state’s commissioner of police, CP Aderemi Adeoye, and the deputy commissioner of police in command of the State Criminal Investigation Department, DCP Chris Folakade.

However, UBWFAN leader Hon. Nkiru Nwagbo urged the state police chief to disregard the protesters, citing evidence from UBWFAN’s investigation that the nude women demonstrators were hired sex workers from outside the state. 

On Wednesday, Nwagbo led members of the group from the state’s 21 Local Government Areas on a courtesy visit to CP Adeoye at the state police command headquarters.

Nwagbo said, “Going by our painstaking investigation, it has been discovered that those women (who protested nude) are not from Anambra State but prostitutes recruited from outside the state and paid to go on protest.

“We want to use this opportunity to state that Anambra women are well trained, highly cultured, and well mannered (and cannot afford) to reduce themselves to this lunacy.”

She complimented CP Adeoye, stating that the police command led by him had managed to stop law-abiding inhabitants in Awka and other parts of the state from being terrorized by unknown gunmen and other miscreants.

She pleaded with the CP not to let the mischievous actions of those who oppose law and order, security, and tranquility depress them.

CP Adeoye responded by stating that he was certain the demonstrators did not represent the ideal Anambra woman and that the rally was organized by certain dishonest individuals who have been using the pretext of combating insecurity in Awka to further cult activities.

However, the head of the police department revealed that the offenders had been taken into custody and would bear the whole brunt of the full weight of the law.

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