Tribute to the Late Nollywood Actor Mr. Ibu from Enugu State Governor Peter Mbah
Tribute to the Late Nollywood Actor Mr. Ibu from Enugu State Governor Peter Mbah

Enugu State Governor Peter Mbah expressed deep sorrow and disbelief upon hearing the news of the passing of renowned Nollywood comic actor John Okafor, also known as Mr. Ibu.

Tribute to the Late Nollywood Actor Mr. Ibu from Enugu State Governor Peter Mbah

In an official statement, Governor Mbah praised Mr. Ibu as a respected actor and beloved entertainer who brought happiness and laughter to many homes.

The Governor recognized Mr. Ibu's valuable contributions to the entertainment industry and celebrated him as a proud representative of Enugu State.

Governor Mbah offered his heartfelt condolences to Mr. Ibu's family, fans, and friends, praying for God to grant the departed soul eternal peace and comfort to those grieving this immense loss.

“He played his part in our quest to build a new Enugu State and Nigeria at large, inspiring and mentoring generations of young creatives to believe in themselves, hone their talents and excel”, Mbah said.

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