US House of Representatives Debates Crucial Aid and TikTok Ban
US House of Representatives Debates Crucial Aid and TikTok Ban

Lawmakers in the US House of Representatives began discussing crucial aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as the potential banning of TikTok on Saturday.

US House of Representatives Debates Crucial Aid and TikTok Ban

The $95 billion foreign aid and arms bills are set for a vote at 1:00 pm (1700 GMT), with Republican Speaker Mike Johnson needing Democratic support to pass them successfully. These bills come after months of negotiations and pressure from US allies, particularly from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky seeking assistance.

The ongoing funding for Ukraine has been a source of political disagreement, with President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers advocating for increased support, while Republicans, including those influenced by Donald Trump, have been more reluctant. The passage of these bills is being closely watched, as they impact global security and alliances.

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